英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 18:59:51
  • 英英释义

  • 网络解释


1. do what is expected

1. 循规蹈矩,沿着线走:tie the knot 打结(结婚) | toe the line 循规蹈矩,沿着线走 | tongue in cheek 闲磕牙(挖苦地)


2. 听从命令:32.fule surcharges 燃油附加费 | 33.Toe the line 听从命令 | 34.a dog-and-pony show ! 盛大表演(商品展示)

3. (赛跑)遵守规则:pull one's punch (拳击)手下留情 | toe the line (赛跑)遵守规则 | trump card 王牌

4. 循规蹈矩:to be goner临终 | toe the line 循规蹈矩 | toe-to-toe 竞争

If your foot points down, you need to measure the distance between the top of your big toe and an imaginary line from the bottom of your heel.(如果你的脚底朝下,那么你需要测量你的脚后跟到你大脚趾所在垂线的最短距离。)
You can imagine a... a young person would be scared of her, you know, her son, because she, you know, she made them 3 toe the line.(你可以想象一个……年轻人会很怕她,你知道,例如她的儿子,因为她让他们令行禁止。)
I'm sure he would toe the line.(我确信他会听从命令的。)
Now toe the line, and race your best.(现在,站在起跑线上,跑出你们的最好成绩吧。)
I've told my children they must toe the line with regard to house rules or lose some of the freedom they presently enjoy.(我告诉孩子们必须遵守家规,要不他们就会失去目前享有的某些自由。)
Ordinary people are careful to toe the line.(普通民众也小心翼翼,不敢越雷池一步。)
She had longish legs and a big toe in line with the other toes, both good for walking.(她有长长的的腿,她的大脚趾与其他脚趾同向生长,两者都有利于行走。)
Coincidentally or not, these two characters have a lot in common: They're both morally ambiguous individuals that toe the line between comedic and off-putting.(不论是巧合与否,这两个角色有许多共同之处:他们都在道德上模糊不清,介乎喜剧与令人生厌的角色之间。)
Some of them were bobbled balls and dribbling with your toe on the line, silly stuff, "he lamented."(一些失误是因为漏接球或是运球时踩线了,愚蠢的失误。)
Lady... you have to take medicine properly... shot... well... to eat properly Guai! If you do not toe the line... you dare die on the!(老婆子…你要好好吃药…好好打针…好好吃饭…要乖喔!)
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